Are you locked out of your residency or your business in Carmichael
Area? 24/7 CA Locksmith is available around the clock, to help you in any and all of your emergency locksmith
situations. We understand that being locked out of your business, home, or vehicle equates to lost money and
time. Our mission is to provide immediate locksmith service in Carmichael Area to you, our customer- our most
valuable asset- whenever you need us, any time of day or night!!
All of our knowledgeable locksmiths provide the answers for your requirements and a promise
to fit your budget. Our services range from vehicle lockouts, high-security and any of your home, auto and
business needs! Every locksmith job and emergency is done professionally by us in and around Carmichael, CA!
Our services include new locks and replacements, high-security protection, electric locks installed and
serviced, duplications and rekeying, service and sales of safes and vaults, repair for safe deposit boxes, any
type of mailbox lock or replacement. All lock replacement, repair and installation, rekeying of locks and
master locks, security and keying for cabinets, keyless entry systems and access control systems, servicing of
safes and security boxes, service for all type of electronic locking devices, fire code compliant exit and
panic doors for sale, installation and servicing.